Friday, December 20, 2019

A New Revolution in A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens

â€Å"When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty.† - Thomas Jefferson A quote from the book A Tale of Two Cities is â€Å"The Republic One and Indivisible of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, or Death†. This quote was used by the revolutionaries during the time of the French revolution; however, this quote is ironic because it stands against what the revolutionaries wanted to change. It stands against the freedoms of Ideas, Liberty, and Equality, and instead stand for a one party republic. There is much to learn from this quote. From the truth about Liberty to the idea of Equality, the revolutionaries of that time had found an idea that would tear a county to pieces and in the process leave a mark for all to see in history. Although a definition of a republic is a country that is governed by elected representatives, it does not accurately describe the republic mentioned in A Tale of Two Cities. The uprising of the people against their government was more of a revolution than a changing of officials. When the people rebelled against the cruel ty from their leaders, they not only removed them from office but also killed them. This is because they did not want the old ideas of the past leaders to get in the way of their new â€Å"freedom†. Suddenly those who had been oppressed were now taking a stand for their freedoms, overthrowing those who had been in power too long and trimming their country of the excess politics.Show MoreRelatedA Tale Of Two Cities And The French Revolution1006 Words   |  5 PagesA Tale of Two Cities was a story about sacrifice and revenge before and during revolutionary France. Charles Dickens thought that if things did not change, then a violent revolution in England, similar to the French Revolution, was possible or in the future. 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